Thursday 30 May 2013


hello!! back from camp ytd! to start of the camp was fun yet horrible. fun was cause of all my awesome friends who made it so fun and horrible was cause of the food and insects!

day 1 was super duper hot and tiring. reached the campsite at about 2 plus. settled down, ate lunch and pitched our tents. pitching of tent was not tiring but cause of the scorching sun, i almost died. but pitched 2 tents and went back to the MPH( multi purpose hall ) to rest. After pitching the tent, we walked to the kampong to visit. about 10 mins away. it was so hot and tiring there. visited and thought there would be a fan, but no. oh gosh. after that we headed to the padifield to look at how they harvest and all. we were suppose to try but we went back to the campsite as there was lightning. reached the campsite and it rained!! we were so happy as it was so cooling! sat around, did cheers and all then it was dinner! dinner wasn't really good but i was hungry so yup. as the sky gets darker, more flies were in the MPH. flying around disturbing us, it was really gross. when we were about to sleep, the instructors told us that we can't sleep in the tent as it is wet and all ruined so we had to sleep in the MPH. couldn't really sleep as it was super duper cold. and kinda gross with all the flies.

woke up at 5 plus and sat up cause other people woke up and started talking which disturbed me so i woke up and cause it was cold too. sat down and froze there, didn't dare to move till around 6 plus. got ready and ate breakfast, we headed out to Mt. Lambak! climbed the mountain to the top and down. super tiring!! but was worth though. had fun while climbing, saw a gigantic centipede/millipede which freaked me out but oh well. hahah. headed back to campsite for water activities, which i can say it was awesome!! first we did bamboo rafting. stood on it and paddled then back. moved on to water obstacles next. walked on logs which were pretty challenging but made it through. then at the monkey bars i dropped as my hands were painful. walked in the muddy water to the next obstacles and made them through. almost fell at one log as Gadafi shaked it and i was trying to balance like a chicken. haha which kinda made me embarrassed but whatever. went to bath and everybody was like hogging the toilet like as if their house. bathed so long like they were having a party inside. so bathed and dinner!! after dinner, we had campfire! campfire was really really awesome though there were lots of insects like crickets. had performances by all classes then at the last part, we had mini-clubbing session! super fun. throughout the whole of the 2 days, we eh wah-ed everyday! ate supper and that night, we slept in the tent. it was so hot and suffocating, but when it was midnight, temp dropped and it was freezing.

slept throughout the entire night, which is good! and woke up around 6 plus. girls who slept in the other tent, was so annoying. wait, i needa add a word here. they were fucking annoying. kept screaming and stuff till i woke up. so frustrated zzz. went to get ready and for breakfast! didn't really eat, only an egg cause breakfast was really not appetizing. after that, we kept our tents, did area-cleaning. & we headed to Legoland!! 2 hours away from our campsite so took a nap in the bus. reached legoland, so excited. but before that, we went for lunch first at Manhattan Fish Market. LIKE FINALLY A PROPER MEAL. ate pasta there with my baby girls! then headed in. played the rides with Isaac, Sean, Shahrin, Anthony, Teresa, Kaiting & Arina. wasn't amazed by the rides as they looked small and not thrilling but it was fun!! wanted to take the water ride but it was closed when we walked there as the ride had problems. was super sad. but we took the dragon one alot of times and i bought a photo there. looked very epic but oh well. last ride, our roller coaster broke down and it was delayed haha. went out and took lots of pictures! then headed to Singapore! passed checkpoint and back in Singapore. went to sch and cabbed home tgt with Isaac. went home and i was super tired.

so, to sum up, camp was fun!! oh, and there were lots of stars and saw shooting star on the 2nd night. how awesome! hehe. EH-WAH FOR ALL THE 3 DAYS AND I HAD LOTS OF FUN. no more voice as i shouted so many times hahah.
that's all. ~ 
took the dragon ride with isaac sim hehe. super fun!! and monkey (: 

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