Friday 10 May 2013

everything is fake. lies.

hii! so sick and tired of everything alr luh. just simply wanna give up. everyone is like so fake, i feel like i'm being lied to. what for trying so hard to find the truth when everyone is like against me? idw to find the truth anymore i give up. everyone is fake la, they are. i can't trust anyone and i don't live to please them la. you guys claimed that you were okay with me and all but behind me telling all that you all don't like me? hah, bitchplease, i give 0 shit about it k. i will not go for it la. i will not. will not specify who and all luh. so yeapp. but i give up trying to be nice. what for being so nice, but in the end you are taken for granted and all? not worth lo. half the time, i think about others and don't really bother about myself but what i get in return is this! wow! not gonna go at all since they all dw me go. idw be so thick-skinned lo. anyw, i alr made my mind up not gonna go for it. go there see their attitude towards me? save it. we WERE once a clique. WERE. now, not i guess.
yup, i dont care anymore. sigh. 

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