Monday 13 May 2013


hii! took my maths paper 1 and geography today and i'm alr half-dead. maths paper was like all sec 2 work lor sighhh and geography paper was tested on things that i never studied for. wah, playing tricks on me or what. super shag luh. paper ended at 11 plusss then went back home! haha heard him ranted on the phone like a retard & listening to him complaining to his mom about it hahah! retarded ttm lor! but oh well. :b ah, i wanna go gardens by the bay :b heheh. so i left 3 more papers!! i need to survive then can get back my phone from teacher alr! yay! school's out on friday which is good hehe and i feel like swimming cause the weather is so hot la! had a nice sleep during exam today haha. feel like walking over to bukit merah to get gongcha though, craving for some! so yeapp, and that's all i guess :') shall blog more another time. bye.

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