Wednesday 15 May 2013


helloooo! so exams sort of ended. cause it's just listening compre tmr, like who cares! it was science today and i screwed my physics paper up :o hahaha! cuz i haven't been studying physics so yeah. gonna have breakiee with the sexiest people alive, i meant, my clique tmr morn at mac! hahaha then go to sch cause we only report at 8.45 tmr yay! then i guess an hour or so, can go back home alr. good! oh, then after that i can get back my dear phone which is kept by my chinese teacher for a month alr omg. dk if there will be battery or not but wtv! can get back i happy alr. so yeah, this is just a short update anyw cuz haven't been updating? yeapp! hahah! byee.
pardon my face hahahaha. 

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