Thursday 9 May 2013

just, bored.

hello! so, i'm bored and i'm here blogging hahaha. anyw, today was pretty boring. had PE, maths, english, chemistry then CCA module then went home with Mani. today i'm basically wasting my time cause tmr is SS paper and i already studied! yay me! so i'm bored. and i alr revised alot ytd so i decided to take break today. nothing to rant about today cause just nothing haha. feeling super sleepy today, dk why although i slept quite early last night. i could barely open my eyes this morning hah! so i'm kinda looking forward to camp and not really too cause we are sleeping in the TENT. yes, tent. omg, i wonder how many mosquito will visit me man!! gosh! but also looking at the bright side, we are going legoland!! abit kiasu or smth here but yeah cause i don't think my dad would ever bring me there. T.T so yeapp and upcoming june holidays activities and clique chalet? idk if i should say clique. but yeah. kinda looking forward for it and not too la. (: yeap! and, Chiseng's birthday is comingg (: and and 7 more days to get back my phone from the bloody chinese teacher yes!! she better return me la omg!! sooo, that's about it. bye! (:
so, think happy and look at the bright side. teehee! 

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